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The Frugal Friday Five under $50: Give Me Red Plaid

Who doesn't love a nice red plaid to compliment their outfit?  I know I don't mind it.  Walking around in the city yesterday with my mom, she could not help but exclaim, "I love plaid, I'm so happy it's everywhere!"  She had told me once earlier that her mom had only dressed her in all shades and patterns of plaid when she was little that she had begun to despise it at one point.  But as she grew older, plaid reminded her more of her mom and I have to agree too, that as much as I think in my head that I love plaid just because, I know that it in part has to do with the fact that yes, it reminds me of my ever so stylish mother.  Of all the many plaid colors I could have chosen for this Friday, I'm choosing red because first, the holiday season is coming up (and there is always someone in red plaid for the holidays), second, it is the most classic, and third, my grandmother was a redhead.  Here are my red plaid picks, enjoy!
Oh and there are a lot more than 5 items!

Red plaid vest for $46.20 at Kohl's (sorry bad picture quality!)
(Yes, another red plaid flannel!) At for $44